Here in NJ, the July 4 th weekend is one of the most awaited one . This year we didn't go anywhere far, but just enjoyed nearby places. I always wish to enjoy the first day of the weekend in a special manner. Sometimes I make his favorite meal or if there is enough time, we may go to a movie and restaurant... On that Friday, we went to a restaurant called 'Nanking' for dinner. We usually buy one plate of everything and share. That day too we split up a plate of veg spring rolls and 'pad kee mao'. It took more than an hour to see them in our table :) Other than that, this restaurant is strategically located near Kohl's and the ambiance is romantic. It would be a better choice for anyone who prefers a bar, but for people like us the buffet would be a good choice.
The next day had a rain forecast, so we went to a movie 'Transformers' in AMC NewBrunswick. Then we had a pizza buffet at Cici's. For dinner I made sambar rice and beans poriyal.
On Sunday we had a superb evening at 'State Fair' in Meadowlands in East Rutherford, NJ. (See below for photos). The world's largest traveling candy store amazed us. My hubby dear started collecting candy from almost every bin and filled a small basket. Though I cannot approve his purchase, he has promised me to take that candy bag to share with all at his office :)
We enjoyed the petting zoo and feeding those cute animals was much entertaining for us. I enjoyed walking around in that bright light along with those happy faces :) and I loved that 'blooming onion fry'. We enjoyed some music and had a nice cheese pizza slice along with that onion fry.
We came home almost after midnight :) and that was one of the best fairs we have visited.
Monday became our movie day with Redbox movies (Hidden figures and Logan) and also some Netflix movies. As usual we had it like a house picnic and that was a beautiful day too.
On Tuesday hubby asked me to prepare some chicken biriyani and luckily it turned out very well within an hour. Hubby continuously watched movies as well as worked on something in laptop whenever possible :) I love the way we enjoyed that July 4 weekend , it was relaxing as well as entertaining :).
Here are some pics. to enjoy !
The Nanking restaurant |
Pad kee mao |
Cici's thin crust pineapple jalapeno pizza |
Cici's salad |
The State fair in Rutherford, NJ |
Candy apple stall |
Fries and burger stalls |
A cooking show |
Candy apples |
Candy we bought ! I am sure hubby is sharing this with all his friends :) |
World's largest traveling candy store |
Candy ....candy ....candy ! |
More candy ! |
Wow ! |
Definitely this is a kid's dream come true :) |
Lots of candy ! |
I have never seen this kind of candy before ! |
Hard candy section ! There are more than this !!!! |
Carousel ....our most fav to look at ! |
Music concert along with dining ! |
Pretty donkey ....and there are many animals in petting zoo. |
This seemed like the most favorite ride among teens...'The Enterprise' ...only for those strong ! |
Hypnotic show |
My favorite stall....the fries look like Indian style bajji...Love it ! |
We came here around 10 Pm and enjoyed some show and dinner ! |
Pizza with onion fries (what !)....Sunday July 2 ! |
July 4, Chicken Biriyani ! |
I could see happiness in every face during this season. Even the grocery store was filled with people buying corn, burger buns, chicken and coke for their party.
Happy Independence day !
Note: After this mega eating festival days , my dear hubby has promised me to workout along with me 1 hour most days in a week :) Let's see !