Monday, September 28, 2009

Side dish for chapthi - Round up !

I am very glad to release the roundup for my Second event 'Side dish for chapathi'.
Because of all your participation and encouragement this has become a great success.
Total entries are 384.
(Vegetarian entries = 332 and Non vegetarian entries = 52)
The round up has been released in 6 parts, out of which, one episode is purely dedicated to non-vegetarian items for your convenience.

Click to see the round up!

Non-veg Round up:

1. Side dish for chapathi roundup.(Non vegetarian)

Vegetarian Sides for chapathi:

1. Side dish for Chapathi roundup - Part 1
2. Side dish for Chapathi roundup - Part 2
3. Side dish for Chapathi roundup - Part 3
4. Side dish for Chapathi roundup - Part 4
5. Side dish for Chapathi roundup - Part 5

My sincere thanks to all those who sent their kitchen treasures to the event. Also I thank those visitors who make the event more enjoyable by their sweet comments.

I have tried my best to check and publish all the entries. But my apologies if something got missed. Do drop a comment and I will do the needful.
(event mail id:

I am dedicating this event to all the foodies out there.

Here comes the round up with all those adorable pictures and recipes.
Enjoy the round up and Happy cooking !


Sushma Mallya said...

lovely round up viki...was nice to c so many yummy dishes

Sailaja Damodaran said...

all the best for ur next events....

Gita Jaishankar said...

Lovely roundup...this is a good collection for me to check for side dishes when I make chapathis :)

kamalabhoopathy said...

wonderful roundup. so many side dishes for chapati lovely

chakhlere said...

Great round up viki!! Keep up the good work!!

EC said...

Loved the event...thanks or putting in so much efforts

Ambika said...

Hi Viki, Thanks for visiting my blog. This is an amazing roundup, I'm sure our search for chapatti side dishes ends right now and right here!!! Happy Blogging!

Padma said...

Wonderful round up Viki...

Prajusha said...

wonderful roundup.
great to see lot of side dishes for chappathi.

Malar Gandhi said...

Wonderful roundup...I appreaciate your effort towards it. Almost 400 recipes, isnt a simple thing to sort out.

chow and chatter said...

love the cabbage of love chappatis and veg curries heaven

Ragi Banana Pancake

Ingredients: Ripe Banana - 1 Egg - 1 Salt - 1/4 Tsp Baking soda - 1/8 Tsp Baking Powder - 1/4 Tsp Brown Sugar - 2 Tsp Ragi flour - 1/2 cup W...