Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A pleasant award and an event entry.

Last week my friend Jaleela of Samayal Attakasangal presented me a blogger appreciation award.
It is so touching to receive this award from a noble blogger like her. She has a stunning blog filled with knowledge and tips on house administration and cooking.
Should I tell more on a blogger with 20 years of cooking experience ? The photos itself will speak for the flavor and taste of her dishes.
I adore her biryani recipe , nonbu kanji and house keeping tips (especially the chudithar stitching tips) very much. She is so pious and We can learn a lot on Islam from her other blog too. Her blog has a very homely touch and I really felt at home there.

Thanks Jaleela!
This award means a lot to me and I feel honored to get it from a very pleasant person like you.

I would like to pass this 'Smart chef' award to Jaleela. Congrats dear!


In my last post I wrote how to make an Icecream cake and here is how we should not. You can read my adventures and mishaps about an Icecream cake in this post, which I am sending for Malar's Kitchen Mishaps event. I usually do not photograph my spoiled dishes. So I could not send her a snap, but here is the story behind.
If you want to see my perfect recipe, click here.

I am a person who believes in the proverb 'Failure is the stepping stone to success'.
Here I am narrating how I climbed my stepping stones to land at this delicious ice cream cake. After that heavy turkey biryani on Thanks giving day , a scoop of this cake made me tell ....wow... Worth the effort !

The plan:
Last month I planned to prepare an Icecream cake for our Thanks giving celebration.
Hubby was pestering me to do this for an year and somehow I got some courage to try this time consuming cake.


The major problem I dealt was with the melting time of the ice cream and my frosting speed. You all know , I am not a professional baker, so my skills on frosting (according to me frosting means - apply cream on cake) the cake was so limited.

My 3 layers were very perfect. So I was kind of floating ....guess what happens now:)

I had the guidance of a website, which told me to take out the ice cream to melt before we start applying. I had it on my counter top, finished dinner and even did my dishes and started the icing process....hi hi..what could you expect! Mindless viki poured all the ice cream over the cake just like a heavy cream and stashed it in to the freezer. After all my bed-going rituals, when I opened it there was a huge shock....all the ice cream I poured and leveled were on the freezer floor....myself started panicking:(

Plan B:

Then I somehow made up my mind ....started doing the research. Took out the cake, kept it in fridge area, cleaned the freezer and again kept it in freezer.
Now I figured out that the website didn't tell me the timing to freeze it.

Luckily I started doing this experimentation by Monday....3 more days left for Thanks giving day. So I used another pack of ice cream and finished doing it by Tuesday.

Lesson learned:
1.Always have some back up plan and extra groceries if you plan a new recipe.
2.Start preparing the time consuming dishes very ahead.
3.Stick to the recipe and be sensible if we follow any newer dish.

Hope this suits the event. Happy hosting dear!


Ushnish Ghosh said...

Dear Viki
Congrats for the award !!!
I liked the way you presented the HAVOC, lesson learnt Plan, plan B etc
Reminds me of the reports we used to write in the factory, for every work going wrong , one had to analysis the problem , and lesson learnt for the use of others. The others never read it because every one wants to reinvent the wheel.
But I take lessons learnt by others very seriously and used it all my life.
Happy lesson learning

Sushma Mallya said...

Was nice reading ur experience abt it...and congraz on ur awards viki

Sarah Naveen said...

hey girly,
Congrst on the award...nice post ;)

Sailaja Damodaran said...

Nice event recipe...........

priya said...

Congrats on ur awards and That was interesting!! perfect entry!...First time here...u ve a wonderful space and great collection of recipes!!...do drop by

Gita Jaishankar said...

Congrats on your award dear :)...it was nice reading post...looks like you had a hard time with the ice cream and cleaning after that :(

Chitra said...

Hi viki, congrats on ur award..I've posted ur pachai puli thanni rasam ..Thanks dear...

Jaleela Kamal said...

விக்கி நீங்கள் தந்த அவார்டை மிகுந்த சந்தோஷத்துடன் ஏற்று கொள்கிறேன்

ரொம்ப நன்றி + சந்தோஷம்.

என்னை இவ்வளவு பெருமை படுத்தி உங்கள் பிலாக்கில் போட்டது ரொம்ப சந்தோஷமாய் இருக்கு பா.

போன வருடம் டிசம்பர் கடைசியில் தான் ஆரம்பித்தேன்

Malar Gandhi said...

Congrats on the awards. Enjoy blogging.

Thanks for the intro', dear. I really appreciate it.

This is the perfect entry for the Event...'lesson learnt' is the key word! Liked it:)

Nice write-up indeed.

Anonymous said...

congrats on your award.nice story.

gtyuk said...

hello Viki,

congratulations for the award dear, enjoy!!!

and what an adventure isn't it? sometimes, this kind of misadventures comes to me right when I receive some important guests and at the time I have to do it perfectly!!!

I imagine yourself and it's funny for me but I understand your panic at that moment :) but inspite of all this, you had that patience to do it right finally and present a delicious dessert, that's something extra ordinary!!! nice entry!!

Lavanya Siva said...

wow, congrats on your award, and great adventure too.....

Basic White bread in Bread maker machine

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