Recently a very sweet family has moved to our neighborhood and we feel very glad to be their friends. We celebrated Christmas at our home. After that, during Pongal they invited us for a get-together during their son's birthday. At that time only I came to know about my friend Gayathri's passion for cooking. She had made an array of yummy snacks for Pongal festival ....A spicy Andhra style murukku, Jangiri and Kajirikai (somas in Tamil) and a ginger tea. Everything was perfect. I love the way the Kajirikai holds the shape beautifully and the yummy jangiri made without colors and the crispy spicy murukku.
We enjoyed this party very much and went together to the movie Jumanji the next day in East Brunswick mall and to a lunch at Cici's pizzeria, where kids can play too.
I am sharing some of the pictures I got. I will share the recipes here (same page) once I get.
Pongal snacks made by Mrs.Gayathri. I admire her dedication very much. |
Yummy snacks made by my friend Gayathri. |
And on another wintry evening Gayathri has brought us this spicy pakora - Palak mirchi pakora and that too tastes totally YUMM! ....Thanks dear !
Palak mirchi pakora. |
I think , this inspiring friendship will kindle my passion to cook (blog) again.
Thanks be to God !