After my last post on dinner etiquette , my eagerness to find the various modes to eat certain food has gone wild . So wanted to share about the facts on food that has to be eaten with fingers:)
What is a finger food?
Finger food is food eaten with the hands without using any knife, fork, chopsticks, or other utensils.
In some cultures, food is almost always eaten with the hands.
Exampe: 1.Ethiopian cuisine, food is eaten by rolling various dishes by Injera bread.
2. Indian food (roti, rice, dosa) is mostly eaten with hands .(we can use a fork if rice is served with meat and veggies . Use a spoon if served like soup consistency ).
Examples of generally accepted finger food: (courtesy - wikipedia)
Miniature beef pies, sausage rolls, sausages on sticks, cheese and olives on sticks, chicken drumsticks or wings, spring rolls, miniature quiches, samosas, onion bhajis, potato wedges, vol au vents, risotto balls, pizza, cookies, crackers, hot dogs, fruit and bread.
So our pizza is definitely a finger food and we can have it comfortably with all that sides and drinks. Enjoy the platter with your hands:)

Fresh broccoli - 1/2 head.
Trim and wash the broccoli florets.
Pat dry with a kitchen towel.
Arrange on baking tray along with pizza and bake for 10 minutes.
Sprinkle lemon juice and salt.
Serve as starter.
Main course:
Healthy slice of pizza without trans fat topped with low fat cheese.
Top with Red, green and yellow bell pepper along with onion , mushroom , olives etc.
Grease a baking sheet with olive oil and bake according to directions.
I used a brand called 'Ellios' from Shop rite.
Sweet corn broiled over direct fire , seasoned with lemon and salt.
I could not focus more on nutrients here.
The irresistible choice for us is a caffine free zero calorie coke.
We can have a natural choice like lemonade also.
Served a banana , few cherries and a peach as dessert for every one.

Sending this spread to Yasmeen's Well balanced 3 course meal event. Hope it suits the theme.