Showing posts with label milkshake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label milkshake. Show all posts

Monday, August 3, 2015

Apple milkshake

Having more milk (calcium rich food) during summer has been in practice in most of the colder countries. As I am more into vegetarian foods now, I like milk better. Vitamin D from Sun and Calcium are like buddies. I don't need to say more on this in detail. Direct Sunlight is available only for few months in our place, then it would be always cloudy, rainy or snowy. We can see people consuming milk , just like a cold drink , straight from the gallon container and everyone around here craves for milk and cheese. New Jersey's cows in the farms are a beautiful happy sight to see. Also the locally grown apples in my state fill the markets at a very low price. So that is our main fruit throughout the year (other fruits and veggies are seasonal only).
I tried this on an afternoon, while one of my friends came to our house and we both enjoyed it very much.
Hope you all love this milkshake !
Honey crisp apple (local farm) and red delicious apples along with milk. Organic milk is not regular , but for more taste.

Apple milkshake.
Cute love !

Apple tree in an apple farm

Apple - 1 (big)
milk - 2 cups
cardamom powder - a pinch
brown sugar - 3 tsp

Core and peel the apple. Puree using a mixie / blender along with cardamom and sugar.
Add some milk and grind to a fine paste.
Now add more cold milk, ice cubes and enjoy!

Serving suggestion:
Serve as drink (like orange juice) along with breakfast or anytime.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Sapota Milkshake (low fat version)

Chikoo / sapota in Tamil / sapodilla is a  very commonly available and one of the beloved fruits in India. They will be in market since Jan till July. At that time this fruit will be available less expensive. The shopkeepers in my hometown will give the customers more than they pays for, as they would like to sell these quick ripening fruits quickly. In my childhood days, my mom's aunt (Rajathiraviyam aachi , my mom's father's sister and my dad's mom's sister), who lived in our neighborhood used to send us this sapota fruits in big baskets. That grandma's traditional house had two big sapota trees in the front yard. Those trees would bloom and give fruits at the same time, in very large quantity. So we would get a call from her around a weekend , when she had planned to arrange for a person to pick the fruits. That grandma adores girl children very much. She used to be very much attached to me and me to her :)  It was one of my most favorite places, as she would pet and would make my holidays the best.
After holidays, she and her friend (cum maid, another grandma we say) would make a big gift basket filled with eggs and cleaned whole chicken from her poultry farm and these yummy chikoo fruits. Whenever I buy some sapota fruit, I always remember my grandma and those sweet days :)

In US, I buy frozen sapota from Indian grocery stores. Here the fresh sapota is rare.  Even if I get fresh sapotas, they would take many days to ripen because of weather.

Here is a very delicious milkshake (low fat version), I make. This is my hubby dear's one of the most favorite drinks and he religiously reminds me to buy this frozen sapota fruits, on my grocery days.

Sapota fruit - 2 (medium size)
skimmed milk (or) any milk - 2 cups.
brown sugar - 2 tsp
cardamom powder - a pinch
crushed ice - as per need (2 tbsp heaped)

Boil the milk and let it cool completely. keep it cooler in fridge.
(In US, we can straightly use the cold milk from the can).
Remove the skin and seeds of sapota fruit.
In a mixie jar, add the fruit, sugar  cardamom powder and grind to a smooth paste.
Add the cold milk and run the mixie few seconds.
Add crushed ice and whisk a little.
Pour in your favorite juice glass and enjoy !

Serving suggestion:
Milkshakes are a great way to include more milk.
Serve milkshakes as fresh as possible.

இஞ்சி பூண்டு பேஸ்ட் Ginger Garlic Paste for 1 month

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