Showing posts with label corn oil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corn oil. Show all posts

Thursday, July 10, 2008

"Fibre rich " susiyam / sooyam (sweet stuffed balls)

Susiyam or seyyam or sooyam is an all time favorite for my husband . So i make it for festivals.Susiyam is traditionally made with channa dhal.But for a change , i tried making susiyam with germinated Green gram and cowpea and it came very tasty than ever.These sprouts are good for health also .

Green gram - 1 cup
cow pea (karamani)- 1/2 cup.
Jaggery - 150 gms (8-10 small cubes)
oil - 200 ml (to deep fry)
maida / All purpose flour - 3 spoons
rice flour- 2 spoons.
salt - 1/4 tsp.
tumeric powder- 1/4 tsp.
cardamom- 4.

(1)Soak the dhals for 4 hours and drain the water. Tie them loosely in a clean cloth and allow it to germinate for a night.
Now our dhals are loaded with vitamin E and vitamin C.
Pressure cook them with 1 cup water for one whistle . Take them out and mash them by a spoon.
(2) Add 1/4 cup water to jaggery and heat it. wait until it dissolves. Strain the jaggery solution and discard any sandy leftover at the bottom.
(3) Now add the jaggery solution to the mashed dhal and heat them in a vessel , until the mixture loses any moisture and becomes easy to handle.Add powdered cardamom.
(4) After the dough becomes cool, make small balls of the size of a "small Key lemon".
(5)Mix rice flour, all purpose flour , salt, turmeric powder, with 1 cup of water to get a thin batter.
(6)Heat corn oil in a frying pan . Take a ball , coat it with the batter by soaking . Then deep fry the coated balls for a 1 minute.
Take care not to char the balls.

Serving suggestions:
Makes 30 susiyams. It can be served as a dessert or a festive time snack.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Wheat Aappam.

3 cups whole wheat flour
1 tsp yeast
1 tsp sugar
1/4 cup Luke warm water
1 tsp baking soda
Salt to taste
Coconut oil for seasoning the aappam pan
Mix yeast, sugar and lukewarm water till frothy. Keep aside for 5 minutes.
Add yeast mixture to the wheat flour. Add 2 cups water to make a thick batter. Cover with a lid and keep in a warm place to ferment for at least 8 - 12 hours.
I used to make this batter at night by 9 pm and leave inside oven (turn off oven) and in the next day morning when i take it out my kitchen will be filled with a nice aroma.There will be bubbles on the surface and the batter will have risen
Now heat the aappam pan and wipe a drop of coconut oil or corn oil all over the pan by using a clean cloth.Check the thickness of wheat aappam batter now. It should be in the more thin in consistency than that of dosa batter.If not so add some coconut milk or water.
Pour onto griddle, heated medium to low, to form thick pancakes about 4 inches across. Then Shake the pan in a circular motion so that the flour spreads and expands along the edges.(If batter is too thick and does not spread, add a little more milk or water ). The cooked batter forms a layer of 'lace' around the thicker center portion. It is then covered and cooked in it's own steam over gentle heat.I used to wait to hear a dropping sound of water(condensation of steam) .Now we can be sure that the wheat aapam is cooked.Then by using a dosa spatula (dosa karandi) gently take out the wheat aapam.

Serving suggestions:

"Wheat aapam" is a healthy diet for diabetic people and for people on diet. It goes fine with coconut milk.We get nearly 15 number of aapam. You can store the rest of the aapam batter in fridge and use it later if you dont need this much number of aapams.
Wheat Aappam can also be served with egg curry or chicken curry or channa dhal curry or even sambar.
coconut milk preparation:
Take coconut milk 1/2 can and dilute it with equal amount of water.Spread 1 teaspoon sugar over aapam and add 2 tablespoon coconut milk over the aapam. Enjoy your aapam.

Ragi Banana Pancake

Ingredients: Ripe Banana - 1 Egg - 1 Salt - 1/4 Tsp Baking soda - 1/8 Tsp Baking Powder - 1/4 Tsp Brown Sugar - 2 Tsp Ragi flour - 1/2 cup W...