Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sukku malli coffee

Sukku - dry ginger ; malli - dry coriander seed

With the onset of monsoon rain ,the chennai residents can see the local vendors selling this coffee in the streets after 9 Pm.

In my hometown we drink it all through the day with or without caffeine and never say no to it.Any one who has gulped it will always remember the sharp taste and the health benefits. We make it with 'panai vellam' / karuppatti / palm jaggery , which makes the coffee more flavorful. Anyway we can use white sugar too.

Sukku coffee powder:

coriander seed - 100 gm
dry ginger - 100 gm
(I use powdered dry ginger)
black pepper - 20

Dry roast and grind them together. This is called sukku coffee powder.

For daytime or evening:

Heat 2 cups of water along with 2 tsp sukku coffee powder, 1 tsp coffee powder, sugar (3 tsp). Switch off after it starts boiling. Leave till it settles.
Filter the clear liquid leaving the sediments.

If desired add 2 tbsp milk per cup.

For bedtime:

Heat 2 cups of water along with 2 tsp sukku coffee powder, sugar (3 tsp). Switch off after it starts boiling. Leave till it settles.
Filter the clear liquid leaving the sediments.

If desired add 2 tbsp milk per cup.

Makes 2 cups of coffee. Serve as hot beverage.
It is believed to relieve the body aches and stomach troubles.


Namitha said...

Healthy and delicious coffee...

Sailaja Damodaran said...

My father in law loves this coffee....

Manju said...

we make something similar but with no it!!

Kalai said...

Love this coffee. I used to have it after a heavy lunch/dinner.

Anupama said...

I remember my Mom making this at home whenever she had a sore throat. Since we were kids, she wouldn't give this for us when we had cold. In fact, I even have some of that podi at home and am going to try this sukku coffee today :-)

Unknown said...

oh same ingredients..but storing it is an awesome idea...loved it :)))

Priya Suresh said...

Just love it..feel like preparing rite now..

Sarah Naveen said...

Such a comforting,refreshing coffee

Sunitha said...

Wow.. never tried it with coriander seeds this is definitely new. We always have it black never with milk either. Thanks for sharing.

chakhlere said...

coriander addition is very new to me. Must have been aromatic.

Nandinis food said...

Yesterday I made this coffee without malli for my husband. Very healthy coffee Viki!

Suparna said...

hey viki,
This is absolutely new to me..had heard of flavoured tea but flavoured hot coffee wow! thanks for the unique recipe :)

Sushma Mallya said...

Healthy one viki..never tried it before...will do it once

Ann said...

yeah we too consider this as a healthy,and often medicinal drink..evenif its bitter it can cure fever and all.but yours look more attractive to drink..

sangeeta said...

nice coffee n i must try this...
i know i'd like it cuz we drink such decoctions as tea with several spice combos for different ailments n seasons....with coffee it will be great fun..

Unknown said...

i really love your posts on such medicinal recipes...remember the diwali lehiyam..

Malar Gandhi said...

I didnt know that they mixed even coffee powder to sukku malli coffee 'day time version'. Interesting.

ST said...

Delicious and refreshing coffee:)

kitchen queen said...

This cofee is very refreshing an healthy too for our can visit my blog and give ur comments.

Unknown said...

Healthy and delicious coffee..feel like having it rite now.

Angelljoe said...

Viki, can you give me the recipe of ginger tea using sokku. Thank You.

Angelljoe said...

Viki, can I have the recipe for sukku tea. Thank You.

Angelljoe said...

Viki, can you give me thr recipe foe sukku tea. Thank You.

Vikis Kitchen said...

Regarding sukku tea: I make frsh ginger tea often. For 2 cups of tea:
Add 1 cup of water with 1 cup milk. Put 2 tsp tea powder, crushed ginger 1 inch, elakkai (cardamom)- pinch, sugar 3 tsp or little more, mint leaf - few (optional). (Milk : water ratio = 1:1 or more milk). Take them all in a small vessel and bring to a boil. (we can boil it in microwave too). stir well. Switch off. Filter and serve.
Ginger tea is ready.
If you want you can add 1/4 tsp sukku powder (dry ginger powder) per cup of tea, instead of fresh ginger. You can add it just like I told for ginger.
Personally I prefer using fresh ginger. As fresh ginger tea in early morning helps to reduce some cholesterol, bp and eventually to weight loss, good digestion and clean skin look. In evening we can use dry ginger (as it has some heat properties, which our body won't need much in daytime). I am not an expert in Indian medicines, but know these tips through elders.
Please let me know if u like the tea taste.

Vikis Kitchen said...

Sukku / dry ginger powder has the property to thicken the tea. Nothing wrong with that, so prepare and drink immediately. We can add milk, water (1cup+ 1 cup), 1/2 tsp sukku, crushed coriander seed, sugar, elakkai little......bring to a boil and filter and serve for a different flavor.

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