Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash wednesday, Lent season and Showers of awards!

Today is the first day of the Lent season, The Ash Wednesday. We participated in the Ash Wednesday mass at an early hour in the St.Fatima Church near our house. This season has a lot of meaning and I am trying to change a lot to make myself worthy. The prayers for this season ,The Stations of the Cross is very mind blowing.
Wish me good luck in following that , my friends:)


Ash, Monica, Naina, Kanchan, Palak ,Suzie and Akki of "Le-Bouffe" have bestowed me the kreativ blogger award. They have a wide variety of dishes contributed by the members and I am eager to try their Shepherd's pie soon. Its so sweet to see such a group of enthusiastic friends. Keep rocking gals!

Moreover Devi of Devi's blog has also gracefully passed me the above award. Devi is a very friendly blogger , who often gets cart loads of awards . I am sure she deserves them much. Her post on chettinad traditions is quite interesting.
Her paniyarams are awesome. Waiting to see more chettinad cuisines from her:)
Thank you so much Devi for your appreciation. It means a lot to me.

Then Deepa of Hamaree Rasoi has also added my joy by presenting this kreativ blogger award. Thanks dear! You are so sweet to share this with me too. She has a lot of traditional North Indian dishes. Your Gosht Shahjehani is in my to-do list now Deepa:) You have a great blog dear!

I have already scribbled my Me-Me:) So click to read it.

Malar of Malar's cuisine has passed me the beautiful blogger, happiniess 101 and cheer reading awards .

I am speechless Malar. I feel honored:)

I tried her mouthwatering egg biryani and it was a big hit. Great job Malar!

Thank you dearies:) You all made my day!

Event :

I am re-posting the following dishes for Jyoti of Panch Pakwan's Pasta party event. Great theme dear. Eager to learn a lot from your round-up:)

Pasta Soup

Oven baked pasta


Creamy pasta

Happy hosting dear!


Gita Jaishankar said...

Dear Viki, first congrats on all your awards do deserve them :) Good luck with your fasting da...I can't believe its lent season again...time just keeps flying by! Love your entries too...I cant wait to see your shepherd's pie photo dear :)

Anonymous said...

Congartulations to have received so many awards

Sailaja Damodaran said...


Aparna said...

Congrats dear..Well deserved!!!

Neetz said...

Congrats Viki!!!! hopewe all go thru this lent season with blessings and happiness :)

Priya Suresh said...

Congrats Viki for all ur awards, lovely array of delicious pasta dishes...looks fantastic..

Cicily Antony said...

congrats on ur awards...

gtyuk said...

Vicky, Congratulations for all those Awards that you've largely merited!!! and wish you good luck and courage for keeping up and following the Lent season !!!! cheers!!

Tina said...

Congraaaaats dear...

FH said...

Enjoy the well deserved awards girl, hugs to you.

Aruna Devi said...

Congrats of all ur awards dear....Pastas looks gr8

Saraswathi Iyer said...

Hi Congrats on your award. Please pick an award from my blog for my 200th post when time permits. Happy fasting.

Pavithra Elangovan said...

Congrats on all you awards viki. you really desrve them.

Sushma Mallya said...

Congraz on getting so many awards viki,...

Nithu Bala said...

Congrats on all your awards Dear:-) Lovely pasta dishes..loved the way you presented it..Best wishes to you Dear..

Anu said...

Congrats on ur award dear... Keep rocking...

Ramya Vijaykumar said...

Congrats on your awards Viki... Time goes by so quickly another lent season... Beautiful entries for event!!!

Jaishree Iyer said...

Congrats Viki for all ur awards:)Pastas looks gr8. Nice entries for the events

Ash said...

That sure is one party to remember.... Lovely Pastas.... & Kudos to all your so well deserved TOFAS......

All Wishes for your Lent.... Be happy Ever...


Devasena Hariharan said...

congrats on ur award. I like ur lasagna.

Ushnish Ghosh said...

Dear Vicky
Congrats!!! You deserved it
have a nice weekend

Sashi said...

Congrats Viki !! on ur awards ..

s said...

so many deserve them...

Ragi Banana Pancake

Ingredients: Ripe Banana - 1 Egg - 1 Salt - 1/4 Tsp Baking soda - 1/8 Tsp Baking Powder - 1/4 Tsp Brown Sugar - 2 Tsp Ragi flour - 1/2 cup W...