Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Awards and a me-me:)

Deepa of Hamaree Rasoi and Sonali Pradhan of Only fish recipes have presented me the following awards. Thank you friends!. I am excited to get these bunch of awards and I am honored.

That lovely package includes a me-me too. I have to say seven facts about me. Click here to read more about me.
7 facts about me:

1.Basically I am a happy person. I thank God for everything I get and thoroughly enjoy whatever I do i.e., from vegetable chopping to laundry:) I strongly believe in God's protection and respect all others beliefs too.

2.Talking with my relatives over phone is a great entertainment / moral support for me. I like to get updates from my entire family frequently. I consider each and every person I meet as a book and try to learn something good from them. This helps me a lot.

3.I get satisfied with simple foods. But this blog is helping me to cook more varieties.  Though I have been enjoying the culinary art from my early teens, my skills got polished only after starting this blog and by my audience's comments. I enjoy reading other food blogger's anecdotes / story behind that recipe.

4.I like to cook colorful foods like Hyderabadi biryani, chaat items,  raitha (Indian yogurt salad) etc. Traditional Indian cooking fascinates me much. Buying cook-books, cooking utensils / tools is my favorite.

5.I like listening to melodies and Tamil movie songs. I prefer hearing the songs than watching the videos. Walking 1 hour a day is a must for me. Sewing is my new craze.

6. I love perfumes,room freshener, agarbathis, potpourris that smells like roses or sandal or flowery. Roses, jasmine, blue hydrangeas, Lilly, lotus (there is a long list) are my favorite flowers:) Recently I bought a dry flower art/ painting and I adore it. Even watching the flower 'images' in Google makes me high:)

7.Friday nights are my best favorite time. Mostly We enjoy our weekends sitting inside our house:) with some English movies along with pizza, popcorn, coke:)

I am happy to share my awards with the following friends.
Divya, Ciccia,Bhuvaneshwari Ramanathan, Jaleela Kamal, Swathi, Priya, Tina, Chitra Sendhil, Panchpakwan, Kala , Valar Siva.

Friends! Please accept this and I am eagerly waiting to read about you all. Thank You!

Congrats dearies!

Others bloggers or not : If you have some interesting facts to share about you, please feel free  and start writing about you (in your blog or in my comment section). I will publish it for you.  Anyways blog is where we can enjoy writing all about us and here is me waiting to hear from you:)


Cynthia said...

Congratulations. The awards are richly deserved.

Swathi said...

Congratulations on your award. Wishing many more to come and many more delicious recipes. Thanks for sharing the award with me.

Reshmi Mahesh said...

Congrats on your awards dear....wish you many more....Happy to know about you....

Hari Chandana P said...

Congrats dear !!
Indian Cuisine

Jaleela Kamal said...

விக்கி உங்கள் அன்பான அவார்டு களுக்கும் மிக்க நன்றி
ஏற்கனவே மலரும் என்னுடன் ஷேர் பண்ணி இருக்காஙக்,
உங்களுக்கும் வாழ்த்துகள் இதன் மூலம் உஙக்ளை பற்றி அறிந்து கொண்டேன்,
என்னை பற்றி ஏற்கனவே நிரைய எழுதிட்டேன்.இன்னும் நிறைய பதிவுகள் பெண்டிங்கில் இருக்கு எல்லாம் முடிச்சிட்டு வரேன்.

Suman Singh said...

Congratulation on all your awards dear..keep blogging!

divya said...

Congrats on ur award...

Nithu Bala said...

Congrats on your awards. Good to know more about u.

Mehjabeen Arif said...

Congrats on ur awards dear.. nice to know u.

Ragi Banana Pancake

Ingredients: Ripe Banana - 1 Egg - 1 Salt - 1/4 Tsp Baking soda - 1/8 Tsp Baking Powder - 1/4 Tsp Brown Sugar - 2 Tsp Ragi flour - 1/2 cup W...