Monday, September 15, 2008

French toast

Whenever i feel a bit lazy to prepare my hubby's lunch pack, i prefer doing this toast for him.Even today i remember my school days ,when my mom used to pack this delicious toast for my lunch.We call it as vanishing French toast because the toast will attract every one around you and you may end up with an empty box as soon as you open it.  
Bread - 8 slices
Milk- 1 cup egg - 1
sugar- 3 tbsp
butter - 1 tbsp  
Method: Beat together egg, milk and sugar to a batter. Heat a pan or dosa tawa and spread a little butter. Dip a slice of bread in the egg+milk mixture. Don't soak the bread more than a second.(otherwise the toast becomes soggy) Fry till golden brown on both sides. Sprinkle some maple sauce and serve hot as breakfast. It can be packed as lunch too.
Approx. calories: (3 slices)
White bread 3 = 70 x 3 = 210
Sugar 3 tsp = 15 x 3 = 45 zero calorie sweetener - 1 pack = 0
egg (brown medium size) 1 = 70
butter 1/2 tsp = 18 (1 tbsp = 3 tsp = 100)
oil 1/2 tsp = 20 (1 tbsp = 120)
2 % milk 50 ml = 37 (1 ml = 0.729)  
TOTAL = 400 cal

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Ragi Banana Pancake

Ingredients: Ripe Banana - 1 Egg - 1 Salt - 1/4 Tsp Baking soda - 1/8 Tsp Baking Powder - 1/4 Tsp Brown Sugar - 2 Tsp Ragi flour - 1/2 cup W...