How to Make ginger garlic paste that stays fresh for a month at home?
Ginger - 150 gm
Garlic - 150 gm (3)
Lemon juice - 3 tsp (1 lemon)
(Or)Apple cider vinegar - 3 tsp
Sea salt - 1 Tsp
Peel the ginger and garlic.
Rinse well.
Let them all air dry for an hour or until done.
Chop ginger to tiny peices.
Put them all in a medium jar of Indian mixie.
Add 1 tsp sea salt.
Add 3 tsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice or squeeze juice of one lemon.
Grind to a smooth paste without adding water.
Store in clean dry glass container in fridge.
Always use a fresh dry clean spoon.
Stays good for a month if handled with care and if kept in a well maintained fully working fridge.
To prepare a chicken briyani using 3 cups of rice and 3/4 kg chicken, we may need to add 3 tbsp of this ginger garlic paste.
Chicken curry or vegetable curry made using 1/2 kg vegetable or chicken may need 1 tbsp of GG