Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Bellpepper Raitha

I always have a 'thing' for raitha. For some people it is the 'rasam' that gives the zing, but for me it is the raitha ЁЯШАЁЯШАЁЯША. So I make it quite often. Some raitha like onion raitha are very simple, just chop onion and mix with yogurt and salt, you got it ! (We can jazz it up with some more steps too). Still I love ЁЯТХ it anyways !

For people who may not know what a raitha is ? Raitha is an Indian yogurt based side dish, accompanied with rice or roti.

Raithas tastes better when made using, thick whole milk Indian plain yogurt, aka curd (родропிро░்). But I use a fat free milk only to prepare curd.  This bell pepper raitha needs a tempering and some cooking time along with fresh ground masala too. So it's a special one in my dictionary.
We can use any bell pepper for this. For more Indian flavor use a green one. A tiny capsicum is more than enough to give that punch. I have used orange capsicum, as I had that from that colorful big pack of peppers from Costco Instacart that week. I was finding all possible ways to incorporate them in my cooking ЁЯША. So feel free to use any variety you get. It will surely taste great. Bell pepper and Capsicum are same (as far as I know, ЁЯСЛ I am not a botanist, still in love with Botany ЁЯШН). 
I am typing this in Tamil too, as per some of my friend's request.  There may be many versions for this, but this is recipe is my creation.
Capsicum raitha

Capsicum raitha, chicken koftha, chapathi 

Any color Bellpepper (capsicum роХுроЯைрооிро│роХாроп் ) - 1
onion -(роиро▒ுроХ்роХிроп ро╡ெроЩ்роХாропроо் ) - 2 tbsp
Indian yogurt (родропிро░்) - 1 cup
salt - to taste
To grind:
shredded coconut (родுро░ுро╡ிроп родேроЩ்роХாроп் )- 2 tbsp
cumin (роЪீро░роХроо்)- 1/2 tsp
ginger (роЗроЮ்роЪி)- 1/2 inch
green chili (рокроЪ்роЪைрооிро│роХாроп் )- 1
turmeric powder (роороЮ்роЪро│் родூро│் ) - 1/4 tsp
To temper:
coconut oil / any oil (родேроЩ்роХாроп்роОрог்рогெроп் ) - 1 tbsp
mustard , urid dal (роХроЯுроХு, роЙро│ுрои்родроо்рокро░ுрок்рокு  ) - each 1 tsp
hing (asafetida) - a pinch
curry leaf (роХро▒ிро╡ேрок்рокிро▓ை)- few
cilantro (рооро▓்ро▓ிрод்родро┤ை)- few

Chop the onion, bell pepper into 1/4 inch cubes (tiny). Keep aside.
Heat oil in wok. Add mustard, urid dal and let mustard splutter.
Then add hing, Curry leaf, cilantro and then add the chopped capsicum, onion and cook closed with a lid on , till it gets half cooked.
Let it cool a bit. Keep it in a serving bowl.
Grind together everything said above.
Mix with the saut├йed items and add salt, plain yogurt. Mix well.
Keep refrigerated or serve immediately.
Garnish with karaboondhi (роХாро░ாрокூрои்родி ) , if desired.

Serving suggestions:
Serve along with any chapathi or rice.
ро╡ெроЩ்роХாропроо் , роХுроЯைрооிро│роХாропை рокொроЯிропாроХ роиро▒ுроХ்роХро╡ுроо்.
ро╡ாрогро▓ிропை роЪூроЯாроХ்роХி, роОрог்рогெроп் роХроЯுроХு , роЙро│ுрои்родроо்рокро░ுрок்рокு роЪேро░்роХ்роХро╡ுроо் .
роХроЯுроХு рокொро░ிрои்родро╡ுроЯрой் роХро▒ிро╡ேрок்рокிро▓ை , рооро▓்ро▓ி родро┤ை, роиро▒ுроХ்роХிроп ро╡ெроЩ்роХாропроо், роХுроЯைрооிро│роХாроп் роЪேро░்род்родு ро╡родроХ்роХро╡ுроо்.
рооூроЯி рокோроЯ்роЯு роЪிро▒ிродு ро╡ேроХ ро╡ிроЯро╡ுроо். роЕро░ைрок்рокродроо் ро╡ெрои்родாро▓் рокோродுроо்.
родீропை роЕрогைрод்родு, ро╡родроХ்роХிропро╡ро▒்ро▒ை роТро░ு рокро░ிрооாро▒ுроо் роХிрог்рогрод்родிро▓் рооாро▒்ро▒ி ро╡ைроХ்роХро╡ுроо்.
роЕро░ைроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯிропро╡ро▒்ро▒ை роЕро░ைрод்родு роЪேро░்роХ்роХро╡ுроо்.
родропிро░், роЙрок்рокு роЪேро░்род்родு рокро░ிрооாро▒ро╡ுроо்
ро╡ிро░ுрок்рокрок்рокроЯ்роЯாро▓் роХாро░рокூрои்родி ропை родூро╡ி роЕро▓роЩ்роХро░ிрод்родு рокро░ிрооாро▒ро╡ுроо்.
роЗрои்род роХுроЯைрооிро│роХாроп் ро░ாроп்родா,  роЪрок்рокாрод்родி, роЪாродроо் роЙроЯрой் рокொро░ுрод்родрооாроХ роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроо்.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Peas potato masala

Having a pack of dry peas in the pantry can save your day :)  That's what comes to my mind whenever I see this grocery item. I have written this recipe with ingredients, that can be stored up in pantry (without much grocery shopping). But feel free to substitute with fresh ingredients (for example use freshly ground  coconut paste instead of coconut milk as I have suggested). 

A Basic Indian meals always include some dal (protein) and a carbohydrate (rice or wheat flour). Adding yogurt in the form of a raita (a vegetable with plain yogurt) makes it more scrumptious. One can prepare a complete homemade food using dry groceries with a few vegetables for a month or more.

So before this 'social distancing' started,  I started buying some bulk quantities (enough for 4 months or more) of dry groceries like rice for meals, idli rice, brown rice, whole wheat flour, besan flour,  toor dal, moong dal, channa dal, green dried peas, rajma, channa, urid dal, spices , appalam, fryums , various cooking oils and a lot more to write down here . LOL ! then we stocked them up along with other stuffs.
I found that Potatoes and onions could stay fresh in fridge (I have never tried it before) and used canned tomatoes and the homemade ginger garlic frozen paste.
So instead of regular weekly fresh vegetable haul,  I started cooking a dry bean curry along with chapati or rice and some raita and we could never tell a difference.  In fact we love that simple meals too as much as the fresh vegetables! Some days went with frozen chicken, cup noodles, egg curry , sambar rice, rasam rice etc. I started cooking every alternate days to reduce the onion consumption as I wanted my onions to stretch as far as possible ЁЯША (I used to cook everyday). One such curry, that can be made bulk is this peas potato curry.
Here is a peas curry with potato that tastes yummy too!

Peas potato curry and beetroot raita with chapati.

Dry peas (whole) - 1 cup
tomato puree - 1/2 cup
onion - 1 cup (chopped)
coriander leaves - a handful.
mint leaves - few
curry leaves - few
coconut milk (from can)- 2 tbsp
cumin powder - 1 tsp
red chilli powder - 1 tsp
turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
coriander powder - 3 tsp
garam masala powder - 1 tsp
salt - to taste
cooking oil - 1 tbsp
Fennel seeds - 1 tsp
bay leaf - 1
ginger garlic paste - 1 tbsp
Potato - 2 (200 gm)

Soak the whole dry peas in water overnight or in hot water for 1 hour. Click to know how to cook peas in instant pot.
Put it in a pressure cooker vessel and add enough water to immerse it (not above the peas). If the water level is above  will become mushy.
If the peas is under-soaked, then add water enough to cover the peas and it should stand 1 inch above the peas level.
Place potato with skin (after washing well) along with peas and pressure cook it. Pressure cook till we get one whistle reduce flame and keep in minimum for 5 minutes. Then switch off flame and open the lid after 10 minutes .The peas have the tendency to get over cooked if gone beyond one whistle.
Grind ginger 1 inch and garlic 5 pieces together. Keep aside.
Heat oil in a pan. Fry some fennel seeds and bay leaf.
Add the chopped onion, curry leaves, cilantro and mint leaves. After the onion turns golden brown , add ginger garlic paste and saute well.
Now add pureed tomato and saute till oil separates.
Add chilli powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder , curry masala  powder , salt and stir well. Boil till the raw smell vanishes.
Add the coconut milk , 1 cup water and let it come to a boil.
Peel the potatoes and cut into big cubes.
Then add the potato, cooked peas along with the water.
Mix well , check for salt and let it boil for two minutes.
Garnish with chopped cilantro and serve hot.
Pattani urulaikilangu kuruma is ready!

Serving suggestions:
serve hot with rice ,chapathi or naan .
Makes 5 cups of pattani kuruma .

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Roasted potato with veggies

Roasted potato is my all time favorite.
Here is my usual potato roast along with soy chunks and cauliflower. My hubby always loves this dish very much along with chapati or rice + sambar / paruppu kulambu.
The key to this recipe is the thick iron wok I am using and the peanut oil along with hot chili powder.
Do try this yummy roast and let me know how you liked it !

From this post onwards, I have asked my hubby to give some food donation for every blog post I write , along with regular donations. May it be a small pack of instant noodles or some kid's favorite food (ready to cook mac n cheese or some grocery like canned food or flour).....I will try my best, I will buy somethings extra. I will keep a bag in my pantry and put those items inside it and will be taking it to our parish's food drive or to anyone who needs. I know many of you are doing more than I can imagine to help others nowadays.  Still here is my request,
If you are a fan of cooking or my reader or a foodie,  please remember to help those in need around you. That's all I ask of all I know. Let's make it a point that everyone we know gets enough food and basic necessities. God's love works through humans by our kindness, empathy and charity. Thanks !
May God bless us all and make this whole world happy , healthy, wealthy and prosperous always!
Roasted potato

Potato roast with paruppu kulambu

Chapati and roasted potatoes, Yummm....

Potato - 2 (big)
Cauliflower - 2 cups (chopped)
Soy chunks - handful
Peanut oil - 3 or 4 tbsp
ginger garlic paste - 1 tsp
turmeric - 1/4 tsp
red chili powder - 1 tsp (as per taste)
coriander powder - 2 tsp
curry masala powder - 1 tsp (optional)
fennel seed - 1 tsp
curry leaf - few
salt - to taste (1 tsp).

Pressure cook the potato (wait for 1 whistle, keep it in low flame and cook for 5 min) / (or cook in stove top) . I cook it in instant pot at high pressure for  5 minutes and release pressure naturally.
Peel and cut into big cubes (1.5 inch approx).
Chop the cauliflower into big florets.
Boil the soy chunks (5 min) , till it gets soft. Drain water and squeeze excess water from it.
Keep these things aside.
Heat cooking oil in a wok.
Add fennel and as soon as it gets mild red add curry leaf.
Then add the Cauliflower and saut├й it till it gets semi cooked. Then add the potato and soya chunks, ginger garlic paste. (If needed add one more tsp of oil and don't let the curry stick to the wok, keep on stirring).  Cover and cook it in low flame. As soon as the potato starts getting reddish (after 10 minutes), add salt, chili powder, turmeric, coriander powder, curry masala powder. Again cook it covered. Then take off the lid and keep stirring till the potato and all items seems reddish and roasted.
Garnish with cilantro if needed.
Roasted potato is ready !

Serving suggestion:
Serve along with sambar rice or mor kulambu or curd rice or roti / chapati.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The new routine !!!

Since March 1, 2020, it's been like buying everything in bulk for all of us (hope you all know the reason). Preserving the vegetables and spices became the new routine for many.  Getting a slot for an online delivery seems like a humongous victory:) I always love my shopping trips. I have never loathed my grocery runs. A small-talk  with a cashier or someone who asks about an item while shopping always makes my day more cheerful, so I definitely wish everything to get normal very soon. Prayers and well wishes for the whole world ! May God bless and protect us all !

Here I am sharing some methods I imply in our everyday life, to make it easier. Hope many of you love this, just like my previous posts.

My water routine:
Nowadays people have started using the tap water in my neighborhood, as it is not easy to get bottled water. Even before 2020, I always use tap water for cooking and all consumption. So it is not new to me. I have two water filters (Brita brand) and two stock pots (huge stainless steel cookware) at home. So every day, I filter and collect the water in one stockpot, and in the evening I boil that till the water is in rolling boil for 5 minutes. It will take almost 40 minutes everyday. I let it cool and we use it the next day. Since I have two pots, I do it almost everyday or on alternate days as per our consumption.
So I suggest that, if your tap water is drinkable (potable), then feel free to buy some water filter system and boil and use it instead of bottled water. By this way, we are contributing to the environment by cutting down the plastic and carbon foot prints (transportation).
I would recommend this old fashioned water routine, for those who can get good quality drinkable water only. Otherwise, follow the norms in your region.
My stockpots for water.
Milk idea:
Unlike India, here in USA 'milk-man' is not a common scenario for all. We all usually buy gallons and gallons and gallons and gallons........of milk every week.Kids drink organic only while some folks love whole milk or plant based milk etc. Our grocery lists begins with a milk and then goes everything. So milk is a priority for most households.
So if you are planning to reduce the number of grocery runs, then the main question that comes to mind is how to get 'MILK' ?. Last month when I was wondering how to solve this , my hubby suggested me to use milk powder instead of fresh milk. He told me that , his mom used to do this long back. We bought a pack of dry milk powder from Walmart and stop and shop. Both resulted in very good milk. I really really love this idea very much.
I could even make Indian style yogurt out of this milk powder. We drink filter coffee and this milk is very good for coffee too. It tastes amazing with cereal as well as a cup of milk just like fresh milk.
This is not a cheaper alternative (1 gallon costs as much as the fresh milk), but this will come handy to reduce the grocery trips and also to avoid lifting those heavy gallons of milk every week.

The next thing we changed is our coffee / tea recipe. Before this we used to drink tea made with milk or instant coffee like Bru or Nescafe in milk. But in order to reduce the milk consumption (to reduce grocery trips), we bought a coffee maker and started drinking a filter coffee style coffee. Sometimes I prepare a Sukku malli coffee too using this coffee maker (put together coffee powder + dry ginger powder + coriander powder inside the filter). Also we replaced the idea of buying paper coffee filters, we invested in a golden filter from amazon. This saves the effort of buying coffee filter paper again and again. We are using brown sugar which we bought in bulk with a few tbsp of milk and the coffee tastes more better and yummier than our previous versions.
Sukku malli coffee (ginger coriander coffee).

Grow your own spices:
I have some herbs like curry leaf, cilantro (just started growing), mint, Omavalli (Cuban oregano), Tulsi (Holy basil), Basil (pasta / pizza sauce basil) and a flowering plant (a Chrysanthemum) inside , in our window. I am growing this almost every year inside our house as the weather is cold on most days.
We are much thankful to my hubby's friend Mr.Raghu for this curry leaf plant. He gifted us this plant and this has grown much bigger and with many saplings around. I never pick the leaf from this plant usually, as I was saving it for another day always :) So I used to buy curry leaf, but nowadays I get an endless supply of curry leaf from this fragrant plant.
Curry leaf plant

Basil and Cuban Oregano


Onion, mint, cilantro.

Homemade face mask:
Just for fun (and use too), I made some face masks using a thick fabric I bought for some other project. I am yet to get the filter inserts from amazon and still this mask is worthy even without it.
I followed the hobby lobby's video and it is much helpful. This has a provision to insert the filter too. So I love this tutorial better.
Fabric needed - 15 x 8 inch size thick cloth and some elastics or cords.
I used the elastics I saved from an old bed skirt.  You can use any rope or shoe lace too (for tying at back).

My next post will be about my vegetable preservation and new cooking routine !

 Stay safe !

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to all ! Wishing all a happy, healthy, wealthy and a prosperous year ahead ! May the world gets normal and cheerful again just like before.

Happy Easter - Pervatech BV

Palm Sunday : Instead of Palm leaf, we used our indoor plant's leaf.

Palm Sunday mass at our house

We put on a lighted cross on the window to bring up the Easter cheer.

On Saturday before Easter Vigil mass, I prepared a lemon cake and mango custard. Then we watched mass celebrated in our parish church, via television, put some light decors in our house. After mass, as usual we cut the cake and enjoyed it with mango custard.  
On Easter morning, I made Rava kesari and Idli for breakfast. Then made a yummy chicken briyani for lunch. 
Here is a visual treat !
Lemon cake and mango custard

Idli with sambar and kesari

Chicken briyani and raitha

Friday, March 27, 2020

Oats curd rice

Oats thayir saatham (роТроЯ்ро╕் родропிро░் роЪாродроо்), is our new favorite breakfast nowadays.
I soak steel cut oats overnight and cook it in stove top with old fashioned oats to prepare this curd rice. Most days I use old fashioned oats only, if I didn't soak steel cut oats. I won't recommend using steel cut oats only, as the old fashioned one or the quick oats gives a better texture for this recipe. Some days I pressure cook it the night before and leave it in countertop , just like our native style 'old rice' for next morning curd rice.  If you are using a quick oats you can cook it in stove top easily and use that for this recipe too.
I temper this curd oats, so that my hubby loves it like the regular 'curd rice' . I am sure anyone who loves curd rice will definitely like this.

Oats curd rice with mango pickle

Oats - 1 1/2 cup
(Old fashioned oats - 1 cup + steel cut oats 1/2 cup).
Indian plain yogurt (fat free curd) - 1 cup
sea salt - a pinch
water - 4 cups.
sesame oil - 1 tbsp.
mustard seeds- 1 tsp
urid dhal - 1/2 tsp
ginger - 1 inch ( chopped finely )
green chillies - 1 (chopped finely).
curry leaves - 1 sprig.
cilantro- chopped ( 1 tbsp)
fresh chopped shallot - 2 tbsp
Soak the steel cut oats for 2-3 hours . Add it to a cooking vessel along with old fashioned oats. 
Cook it in stove top for 10 minutes or until it is gets mushy.
If you are using an instant pot or pressure cooker, soaking is not necessary. Cook it in high pressure for 5 minutes with 4 cups of water. 
We can do this at night and keep it in countertop to get it little fermented. This is a healthier as well as easier version.

Before using it, add salt, curd, chopped shallot, cumin, cilantro to the cooked oats.

To temper: Heat a frying pan . Add oil.
Put the urid dhal and mustard seeds . After hearing the popping sound, add chopped curry leaves, cilantro, green chillies and ginger. Pour it over the oats. Mix well.

Oats curd rice is ready !

Serving suggestions:
Serve as  breakfast with mango pickles or just enjoy simply, because it tastes excellent all by itself. 

Friday, March 6, 2020

Instant pot basic recipes and timings,

Electric pressure cooker (aka Instant pot) is the new hero in many households nowadays. Since its arrival, desi women have started 'fan clubs' for it :) . I too got two IP s , but still using both my traditional cookers too often. (Now since June 2020, traditional cookers are in my storage onlyЁЯШГ). 
Still I don't believe that IP can totally replace the traditional pressure cooker of Indians. In my view IP is more safer for anyone who is new to cooking, it won't need much monitoring (switch off automatically) etc. But electric pressure cookers are more expensive than traditional cookers. Also the accessories for all brands of electric cookers are way more expensive than old cookers. 

Still I love electric pressure cookers , as it won't pollute the air inside the house. 

I thought I should write down some of the simple recipes and timings in this post, which I use regularly. (I will be updating this page often).

Links for Instant pot manual : Ultra 10 in 1 , Duo
Sarkarai pongal in Instant pot

Some terms in Instant pot:
NPR - natural pressure release (IP releases pressure in its own - this is more safer)
MPR - Manual pressure release (by turning the feature in weight valve)
Always be careful while releasing the pressure manually. I always suggest waiting a minimum of 10 minutes before opening.

Basmati rice:
Rice - 2 cups, Water - 2 cups 
number of cups of Water = number of cups of rice  
Rinse and add rice and water to Instant pot (directly to the inner pot given).
Choose pressure cooking, high pressure setting.
Set time to 3 minutes. Close lid . Check the pressure weight valve and keep it in sealing position)
After it finishes cooking, let cool for 5-10  minutes (NPR - natural pressure release).
Release excess steam manually now. Open the lid.
We can release pressure immediately also (no need for waiting time).
Gently loosen up the rice using a fork , by stirring it once.
Perfectly cooked rice is ready.

Toor dal (paruppu):
Toor dal - 1 cup, Water - 3 cups (thrice of dal).
(or) just see that the water stands 1 inch above dal.
Rinse the dal and clean it in water.  Add 1 tsp turmeric powder, 1/2 tsp hing , 1 onion (sliced), 3 green chilies, 1 tsp cumin.
Mode : Pressure cooking, high pressure.
Time : 7 minutes
Set it to pressure cooking high and 7 minutes. After it switches off, release pressure manually after 5 minutes or immediately .

Mutton (lamb):
Lamb loin (or any lamb / goat meat) - 1 lb , Water - let water stand 1 inch above mutton pieces. 
Turmeric powder - 1 tsp.
Mode : Pressure cooking, high pressure.
Time : 7  minutes
Set it to pressure cooking high and 7 minutes. After it switches off, release pressure manually after 5 minutes or open immediately by manual release mode or wait till pressure releases naturally.

Chicken curry:
Chicken with bones - 2 lb, Water - should be 1 inch above curry.
Prepare curry as per directions in any recipe (use saute' mode) . 
Add water for a curry consistency.
Mode : Pressure cooking, high pressure.
Time : 5 minutes
Set it to pressure cooking high and 5 minutes. After it switches off, release pressure manually after 5 minutes or immediately .

Chicken roast (sukka / dry curry):
Chicken with bones  or boneless - 2 lb, Water - should be just enough to cover curry.
Prepare the onion tomato masala as per directions in any recipe (use saute' mode) . 
Add chicken and saute.
Sprinkle water just enough to cover curry.
Mode : Pressure cooking, high pressure.
Time :3 minutes
Set it to pressure cooking high and 3 minutes. After it switches off, release pressure manually after 5 minutes or immediately .
Open the lid and set to saute mode to evaporate the standing liquid, to get a dry curry.

Hardboiled Egg (5-5-5 minutes rule):
using an egg rack for instant pot is more convenient. 

I got this from Walmart for $2 on clearance sale. 

Pour 2 cups of water in a 3 qt (or any) IP inner pot. Place the steel trivet inside (see images to understand what this means).
Place the eggs . (I keep a silicone IP egg cooking holder above the trivet and place the eggs on it).
Set to high pressure, pressure cooking mode, 5 minutes.
After it finishes cooking, wait 5 minutes, release steam manually.
Fill a separate bowl with cold water (tap water) and keep the eggs for 5 minutes.
Peel them off.
Perfect hard-boiled eggs are ready !

Steel cut / old fashioned oats - 2 cups
water - 5 cups (cups of oats x 2 + 1 cup water)
Mode : Pressure cooking, high pressure.
Time : 5 minutes
Set it to pressure cooking high and 5 minutes. After it switches off, release pressure manually after 5 minutes or immediately .
Curd oats: (after it cooks, release pressure valve after 5 mins or naturally. 
For 2 adult serving : Take half of the cooked oats. Keep other  half in fridge for next day.
Then add 1/8 tsp salt ,1/4 tsp pink salt, 1/4 tsp cumin powder, 3 shakes of hing, yogurt 3/4 cup). Mix well. serve.) 

Dry peas (green or white pattani):
Dry peas - 1 cup, Water - 3 cups (thrice of dal).
(or) just see that the water stands 1 inch above dal.
Rinse the dal , Soak the peas overnight (or) Boil some 5 cups of water. Add the dry peas and keep it closed for an hour before cooking.
Mode : Pressure cooking, high pressure.
Time : 2 minutes
Set it to pressure cooking high and 2 minutes. After it switches off, release pressure manually after 5 minutes or immediately .

Green gram (whole moong  / paasi payaru):
green gram - 1 cup, Water - 3 cups (thrice of dal).
(or) just see that the water stands 1 /2 inch above dal.
Rinse and soak green gram overnight .
Mode : Pressure cooking, high pressure.
Time : 1 minutes
Set it to pressure cooking high and 1 minutes. After it switches off, release pressure manually after 5 minutes or immediately .
If not soaked overnight,
Mode : Pressure cooking, high pressure.
Time : 3 minutes
Set it to pressure cooking high and 3 minutes. After it switches off, release pressure manually after 5 minutes or immediately .

Black beans:
Soak overnight.
Pour water in instantpot's cooking pot just to cover the beans (up to 1/2 inch above).
Mode : Pressure cooking, high pressure.
Time : 3 minutes 
Set it to pressure cooking high and 3 minutes. After it switches off, release pressure manually after 5 minutes or immediately. Drain and discard the water immediately. (use beans immediately or freeze it). 

White Channa :
Soak overnight.
Pour water in instantpot's cooking pot just to cover the beans (up to 1 inch above).
Mode : Pressure cooking, high pressure.
Time : 12 minutes 
Set it to pressure cooking high and 12 minutes. After it switches off, release pressure manually after 5 minutes or immediately. (Drain the water . Cool and use that water as fertilizer for plants).

Red Channa :
Soak overnight.
Pour water in instantpot's cooking pot just to cover the beans (up to 1 inch above).
Mode : Pressure cooking, high pressure.
Time : 8 minutes 
Set it to pressure cooking high and 8 minutes. After it switches off, release pressure manually after 5 minutes or immediately. (Drain the water . Cool and use that water as fertilizer for plants).

Soak overnight.
Pour water in instantpot's cooking pot just to cover the beans (up to 1 inch above).
Mode : Pressure cooking, high pressure.
Time : 10 minutes 
Set it to pressure cooking high and 10 minutes. After it switches off, release pressure manually after 5 minutes or immediately. (Drain the water . Cool and use that water as fertilizer for plants).

Bakery soft Vanilla cake, Butter cream icing

Bakery soft Vanilla cake, Butter cream icing -  For a detailed explanation pls click to see my video on making vanilla cake, icing rose tech...