Monday, July 29, 2019

A picnic meal !

Last weekend we planned to go to beach. Summer in NJ are very short, but hot. So we thought of making use of it. Hubby dear asked me to bring anyone of his favorite dishes as we like homemade better. So I prepared this : Lemon rice, masala egg, fryums, channa dal chutney.
Lemon rice, paruppu thogayal, masala egg,  vadagam.

As it was a Sunday, we planned to make a stop at St.Martha's church on the way to attend the mass. But while starting he said that it would take only 53 mins to reach the church, so we should start accordingly and he did not want to be there too early. He did his usual phone calls...we had a coffee and then we started around 11 am. While driving only we realized that everyone in the town is on the road to the beach :)
The traffic became too heavy...too slow and the sun was getting hotter. Then after 40 mins we understood that we have to find another church on that road, as the mass would start by 12 noon. I googled and found a beautiful church 'St. Lawrence church' near Perth Amboy in Laurence harbor. We went there , attended the nice mass and came out. It is a very beautiful church and we felt blessed to go there.

Now we started again towards the beach.
My hubby dear asked me , ' you made ice cream at home?'
Me: Yes. It's in our house.
DH: I liked the lemon rice you are bringing.
Me: (I felt so so happy)...yes , it is your favorite, next to tomato rice :)
DH:I like all that combo. But it is so hot outside, the traffic also moving very slow. I am feeling hungry now itself .
Me : what ?
DH: How about we turn around and go to Piscataway and we can have very good lunch comfortably sitting in our dining table with the AC on. Have we not seen enough of summer or Are we new to beaches ma ?
Me: (I couldn't stop laughing loud). (I understood what he is trying to do) .
Me: How about binge watching our 'Smallville' series too :) Is that your plan ?
DH: you got me :)
Then we came home and had this picnic meal at home and watched some TV shows :)

This story may not be adventurous or worth sharing, but I feel like writing it down. Good that we didn't ask S to come with us.....LOL !

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Air fried Arbi (Seppan kilangu)

Seppan kilangu / arbi is a delicious root vegetable. It is a popular alternative for potato roast curry of India. 
Usually I prepare the arbi fry by deep frying in oil or by tawa roast method.
After I found that airfryer recipe for arbi, I am making it healthier with less oil in an airfryer.
This is a dish I prepare once or twice a month as a side dish for dal rice or bisibelebath. 

Note:  If you are trying this recipe for a party or for large batch, do this in advance and keep in fridge.  Just make sure to do airfrying  again for a few minutes it before serving.  

Click to see my other versions also:

Seppan kilangu
Peeled arbi

Arrange the slices in airfryer 

After airfrying

Air fried Arbi is ready !

Arbi (seppan kilangu) - 10 roots (1/2 kg)
rice flour - 1 tsp
besan flour - 1 tbsp
salt - to taste 
turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
black pepper powder - 1.5 tbsp
cumin powder - 1/2 tsp
Oil (olive oil) - 2 tsp

First rinse the arbi thoroughly to remove all dirt.
Keep it in a vessel and pour water to cover it fully. Boil it in water for 10 mins. Check if a fork or knife can poke it easily. Switch off. (In this stage it can be cooled and stored in fridge with skin for one or two days for convenience).
For immediate cooking, pour cold water and peel them.
Keep aside.

Cut the cooked arbi  it into 1/2 inch thick circles.
Mix salt, flours,oil, turmeric, pepper powder with a drop of water. Add it to the pieces and mix well.

Preheat the Air-fryer for 5 mins at 350 F.  
Spread the masala coated arbi slices in a single layer inside the fryer basket.(I keep them tightly packed in single layer).
Air fry for 10 mins. Pull out the basket and shake well. Then keep air frying for another 10 mins. 
Do this until it turns crispy in the outside and soft in the inside for each and every slice.
My air fryer takes less than 20 mins for the entire process. 
Repeat and cook the remaining arbi slices.
Air fried arbi is ready to eat !
Dust some more pepper powder over the fried arbi and shake well and serve hot.

Another method:
Instead of pepper + cumin powder , we can mix red chilly powder and garam masal powder along with flours and deep fry them. Tandoori mix also holds good. 

Serving suggestion:
Serve as side dish with curd rice, vegetable biryani, pulav, bisibelebath or simply as a tea time snack.

Normally taro or arbi won't cause any allergies. In Indian recipes, black pepper is added to remove allergens from all root veggies,
The South American arbi contains less mucilage and easy to handle, whereas Indian arbi has a unique nice flavor. 
We can boil the arbi and keep refrigerated without peeling for a day or two. I generally do the boiling part the previous night. It comes handy. 
As this recipe takes long time (than frying in oil), it won't come handy while having guests. So we can prepare it and keep it in fridge and we can re-fry them in air fryer  for a few minutes before serving. By this way we can make a healthy fried side dish for our party.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter

Wishing all a happy and blessed Easter.
Easter Cake I baked in 2015

Paruppu masa vadai and Susiyam , I made for Easter 2019.

Flowers and cake for Easter vigil celebration.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Spicy pink salad

I always have a 'thing' for pink accessories. Beetroot and purple cabbage became my favorites just because they belong to pink family only. Even though purple cabbage looks prettier than the regular cabbage, in my view, it tastes better as salads or coleslaw or sauerkraut only. (While I use regular cabbage only to make Indian curries and stir-fry).  Here I have used English cucumber , as it is more firmer than the cooking variety. English Cucumber are the varieties that wouldn't be given a wax coating for longer shelf life and instead they are sold in a plastic wrap (see images below). But any cucumber will be good for this salad.
Here is a pink salad / pink coleslaw we love very much.

Time required to prepare - 10 minutes; time to refrigerate - 4 hrs (minimum).
Spicy Pink salad

Shredding the cabbage...sooo cute !

English Cucumber are the varieties that wouldn't be given a wax coating for longer shelf life  and instead they are sold in a plastic wrap.

Purple cabbage, English cucumber and lemon.

A simple version with red cabbage and cucumber. 

Colorful salad is ready!

Red (purple) cabbage - 1 lb
English cucumber - 1/2
red capsicum - 1
lemon - 1
cilantro - few
pink salt- 1/2 tsp
red chili powder - 1/4 tsp
cumin (whole or powder) - 1/2 tsp

Shred the purple cabbage into small pieces (using a knife or food processor).
Halve the cucumber and Slice the cucumber into small pieces.
Cube the capsicum.
Chop the cilantro.
Put them all together in a wide mixing bowl.
Add pink salt, red chili powder, cumin and mix well.
Squeeze lemon.
Mix well and transfer it to a tight lidded container. Keep in refrigerator for 4 hrs - overnight, so that the cabbage gets little tender.
Pink salad is ready !

Serving suggestion:
Serve cool along with any meal or simply as healthy snack.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Glimpse of Spring and Easter !

A few clicks from my neighnorhood shops:

'Stop and Shop' store:

Marshmallow peeps (chicks) and Bunnies.

A painting idea !!!

Just love clicking these paper plates with Easter theme. 

Chocolate bunnies cheers us and gives a glimpse of spring.

Chocolate bunnies and peeps....looks like Easter is coming soon.

Marshmallow peeps and bunnies for Easter. I use these sweets to decorate the cakes I make.
My hubby dear knows exactly what I need . It seems like God's gift  for me. I smiled all through the day. 

Major Nailpolish companies would do a clearance sale before summer. So it is my lucky day :)

Vinyl Tablecloth from Stop n shop $3.99. , Agarbathi Incense sticks (frankincense and Myrrh)  from Walmart $ 1 each.

From Shoprite:

Colorful cauliflowers (Pink, orange, green and regular white cauliflower) in Shoprite.

Cranberry beans / butter beans

Everything looks fresh !

Crocus Vernus in my garden , budding out of the frozen grounds.

Mini Daffodiles too start smiling for spring.  The economical way to garden is to buy all these bulbs by the end of summer and planting them immediately. They will hibernate during winter and will come out during spring.

Orange / yellow and red Tulips from Walmart

Door decors for Easter

Easter decors.

Easter decors , Wall plaque $ 2

Easter decors

Painted this last week . Love elephants ! (ombre technique, tree of life and elephants).

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Simple Indian salad for snack

A simple salad with cucumber, tomato, onion and some chickpeas. I have used a 'Kirby' variety of cucumber as I found it lesser expensive and of smaller size than a 'seedless English cucumber'. Roma tomato are more suitable for salads, as they won't give out much moisture. I have used 'sweet mini peppers' instead of bellpepper, as I had that only at hand. Some people won't add bell pepper and instead there would be finely chopped green chili (for those spice lovers). Foods like this are more filling and easy to prepare. If you have the habit of buying cans of chickpeas, then this will get more easier.

In India salads like this are served as snacks during summer. Before salads got popular in Tamilnadu, we used to make a dish called kosambari (moong dal salad), then came the version of including slices of cucumber in that plantain leaf dinner for a special meal.   I think with the emerging 'mall culture'  (which is a good thing for everyone, as people who are from even the remotest village of Tamilnadu could get to taste the multicultural cuisines) salads got popular everywhere in Tamilnadu.

Cucumber - 1
Tomato - 1
Red onion - 1/2
bell pepper - 1(small) or  sweet mini pepper - 2
lemon - 1/2
boiled Chickpeas - 1 cup
boiled sweet corn - 1 cup
Pink salt - to taste (1/2 tsp)
red chili powder - a pinch
cumin powder - 1/4 tsp
chopped cilantro - handful (to garnish)

Chop the cucumber, tomato, peppers, onion into small cubes. A vidalia chopper would make this job more easy. Put them all together in a mixing bowl, along with everything mentioned above.
Mix well and serve immediately or after cooling it in fridge for an hour. Garnish with chopped cilantro before serving.

Serving suggestion:
Serve as snack or along with any meal as salad.
Serves 4 people.
கோடை நேர சாலட்:
சாலட் என்பது மேற்கத்திய உணவு மட்டுமல்ல. நம் நாட்டிலும் கொசும்பரி என உண்ணப்படும் பச்சை காய்கறி கலவையே சாலட் எனப்படுகிறது.
சாலட்கள் என்பவை ஆரோக்கியமும் ,  குளிர்ச்சியும், தேவையான உப்பு சத்துக்களும் உடலுக்கு தரும் உணவாகும் .

தேவையான பொருட்கள் :
வெள்ளரி - 1, தக்காளி - 1, வெங்காயம் - 1 , குடைமிளகாய் - 1, வேக வைத்த கொண்டைக்கடலை - 1 கப், உதிர்த்த இனிப்பு கார்ன் - 1 கப், மல்லி தழை - சிறிது, எலுமிச்சை - 1/2 , இந்துப்பு (அல்லது வெள்ளை உப்பு) - 1/4 தேக்கரண்டி, சிவப்பு மிளகாய் தூள் - ஒரு சிட்டிகை, சிரக பொடி - 1 சிட்டிகை. 
வெள்ளரி, தக்காளி , வெங்காயம் , குடைமிளகாய் , இவற்றை பொடியாக வெட்டி , ஒரு அகலமான பாத்திரத்தில் போடவும். கொண்டைக்கடலை , சோளம், எலுமிச்சை சாறு  மற்றும் எல்லா பொடியும் சேர்த்து உப்பு போட்டு குலுக்கவும். உடனே பரிமாறலாம். பிரிட்ஜ் இல் 1 மணி நேரம் வைத்து குளிச்சியான சாலட் ஆக பரிமாறலாம். 

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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Baked chicken (Indian version)

Do you crave a chicken recipe loaded with vegetables like a one pot meal ? Then this is a treat for you !This is my version of baked chicken. I have cooked it in a cast iron skillet.
Foods cooked in cast iron skillets have a deep flavor color and more healthy too. I bought my Ozark trail cast iron skillet  from walmart some years back. I got it on a clearance sale for just $7 for that set of 3 skillets. Cast iron skillets comes very handy to prepare baked foods, omelet, crispy sandwiches and the list goes on.
In this recipe, I have made a curry infused Indian version of baked chicken along with some vegetables. This dish seems like a full meal for us for dinner as well as for the next day's lunch. So try this if you are looking for a healthy chicken recipe with an Indian touch and let me know how much you like it !

Marinated chicken getting fried a little.

Baking the chicken
Chopped vegetables.
After baking.
Place the chicken in a serveware.
After removing the chicken, saute  the vegetables.
Add sauces.

Cook it to tender crispy.

Pour over the baked chicken.

Baked chicken with vegetables and beetroot raitha

Leftovers can be used in making sandwich. 

Special appliances needed:
Heavy cast iron pan (preferably 10 - 12 inch dia).
Tongs to flip the chicken

Chicken thighs (skinless) - 3 lb
Extra virgin olive oil - 1/4 cup
To marinate:
Sea salt - 2 tsp (to taste)
turmeric powder - 1 tsp
fat free Indian yogurt - 1/2 cup
ginger garlic paste - (ginger 2 inch , garlic - 1 whole)
red chili powder - 1 tsp
coriander powder - 3 tsp
curry masala powder - 1 tsp
pepper , cumin powder - 1/2 tsp each
Remove the skin off the chicken pieces. Rinse in water for 2 to 3 times to remove any residue.
Do small slits over chicken pieces. Keep aside.
Grind peeled ginger and garlic together to a fine paste.
Mix everything said for marination together.
Apply over chicken and toss well. Let it sit for an hour or overnight inside fridge.
Preheat oven to 350 deg C.
Heat a heavy cast iron pan (12 inch size).
Spread the oil on the pan.
Place the marinated chicken and cook 5 mins each side.
Then keep the pan  inside the oven and bake for 30 mins. Flip and cook again for 20-30 mins or until crispy and reddish brown in color.
Take the pan out. Check for perfection in salt and cooking.
Place all the chicken pieces on a serveware. Close tightly to keep the chicken moist.
Now we start to prepare vegetable topping.

Vegetable topping: (vegetable salad).
Zucchini - 1
green bell pepper - 1 (small)
red onion - 1
Sweet mini pepper - 4 (optional)
cilantro - handful
lemon juice - 2 tbsp
hot mustard sauce - 2 tbsp
hot sauce - 1 tsp
EV olive oil - 1 tbsp
salt - very little
chili powder - 1/4 tsp
turmeric powder, pepper , cumin powder - 1/2 tsp

Heat the same cast iron pan with oil (without washing) over stove.
Add all the vegetables together and toss for few minutes.
Add the masala powders, salt, lemon juice, hot sauce, mustard sauce, toss well and switch off.
Pour this over baked chicken. Serve hot.

Serving suggestion:
Serve as main course meal with beetroot raitha or any raitha or salad and bread / roti.
Leftovers can be used to prepare sandwich.

Bakery soft Vanilla cake, Butter cream icing

Bakery soft Vanilla cake, Butter cream icing -  For a detailed explanation pls click to see my video on making vanilla cake, icing rose tech...